Frantisek Pavlicek

Frantisek Pavlicek



How to Analyse Human Mobility Patterns using T-Mobile Data to Benefit your Business

Discover fascinating location insights derived from T-Mobile's mobility data. Explore effective ways to leverage this invaluable market resource. Stay tuned to unlock the power of location data!

How to Analyse Human Mobility Patterns using T-Mobile Data to Benefit your Business
How to Analyse Human Mobility Patterns using T-Mobile Data to Benefit your Business
How to Analyse Human Mobility Patterns using T-Mobile Data to Benefit your Business

Accessing various datasets that tell you where people live anywhere has never been easier. For example, today's analysts can use data from census studies. Most countries offer this data in more or less open registries, where the data can be downloaded with one click.

But the fact that people live in one place doesn't necessarily mean you'll find them there during the day. Just ask your courier! Even though COVID transformed travel habits and the world saw a high increase in working from home, most people still go to their workplaces on weekdays. 

In this article, we will examine location insights derived from mobility data provided by T-Mobile in the Czech Republic and examine some examples of how you could leverage this data for your business. 

Where do people go during the day?

How much time do you spend at home in a typical working week? The data is clear. According to the 2011 census, more than 2.8 million people (the total population in the Czech Republic was 10.5 million in 2011) were leaving their usual place of residence for work or education every day. We can assume that this number will be at least as high in the census data from 2021. 

The metro system in Prague alone transports about one million people daily. Therefore, as an example, in a village with an average population of 5,000 inhabitants, only 2,000 people are present at 2 p.m., while a few kilometres away, in a city business district with a permanent population of 2,000 inhabitants, there can be an increase of people in the area by hundreds of per cent. Human mobility data allows us to map these movements and thus reveal the locations with high business potential.

How to Analyse Human Mobility Patterns using T-Mobile Data to Benefit your Business

Population growth at 2 pm in the centre of Pardubice.

Collection, granularity and variables of Mobility Data

You can't analyse human mobility patterns without high-quality data. In this case, the data is provided by T-Mobile and is obtained with base transceiver stations (BTS). Each BTS covers a specific area and collects information about the number of devices present there at a given moment. If a device is present in the given location for at least five minutes, it is evaluated and subsequently included in the processed data. 

The resulting granularity is the Uber H3 grid of level 9 (a hexagon with a diameter of approx. 174 m), so the collected data from the BTS is subsequently aggregated to this level. The data is recalculated according to T-Mobile's methodology and also includes a digital model of the terrain, building density, etc. In addition to the spatial resolution, the data also consists of a temporal and demographic component.

At CleverMaps, we display data at the hourly level and filter between weekdays and weekends so the user can easily see the differences in the mobility patterns of residents during the week. The demographics parameter also allows for the filtering of devices according to gender and the age group of their owner.

Analysing Human Mobility Patterns using T-Mobile Data

Visualisation of the population decreases around Pardubice between 2 and 3 pm.

Mobility data can be a good servant that needs a determined master

Human mobility data is a highly valuable resource if used correctly. After the data acquisition comes another key process - the analysis, visualisation and interpretation of the insights. 

With the help of CleverMaps, anyone can be the determined master of mobility data. Thanks to the easy-to-read logical data model, all analysis results are at your fingertips. It doesn't matter whether you want to model the decrease/increase in human mobility between regions, municipalities or cities - CleverMaps allows you to perform all these analyses with the help of a single button to change the granularity in the upper left corner of the application. Data representing the number of present individuals in a given place and time can be displayed on four levels of the hexagonal grid and all levels of administrative division - from regions to basic residential units. In addition, CleverMaps allows you to apply a wide range of filters to the data, which can further enable your analysis. 

Say you want to analyse mobility in cities with a population exceeding 10,000. With CleverMaps, it's easy. Using the granularity button, you can switch to the city's details in the grid visualisation or basic residential units. Next, select the time dimension and perhaps the population segment you want to analyse. In a few clicks, you can see, for example, where most people are located in the town of Humpolec throughout the day and how many individuals the number increases during the day.

 Visualisation of the centre of Humpolec according to the movement of residents

 Visualisation of the centre of Humpolec according to the movement of residents.

How to get maximum benefit from your insights

We've discussed data collection and possible ways to analyse it; now, let's examine how to use it to benefit your business. 

Imagine that one of your business branches does not have the expected traffic, so you decide to move it to a more lucrative location. There are several options for approaching such a relocation. We have already introduced you to tools such as the Exposure Index and detailed demography at the level of buildings or distance from competitor branches to analyse a potentially suitable location. Human mobility data can bring additional context to the analysis. 

When it comes to evaluating the potential of a location, human mobility can give you an accurate reflection of the presence of people during any hour of the day and day of the week. Human mobility data can be combined with other data sources, such as the abovementioned Exposure Index. There are several ways to combine these two datasets. Our favourite is the CleverMaps Enhanced Grid, which contains all the essential information you usually look for when relocating branches. 

The CleverMaps Enhanced Grid allows you to filter out the grid cells that fulfil your selected criteria. For example, distance from competitors' locations, proximity of specific points of interest (e.g. bank, supermarket, ATM, doctor's office...), exposure index value, etc.  

The grid also contains information about demography in your selected locations. Previously, you could only rank the places by the number of people living in the designated areas. Still, with mobility data, you can go one step further and explore the number of people present in a specific timeframe. That can correspond to your opening hours or a period during the day that interests you. Ranking the locations based on where people are, not where they are supposed to live, can provide you with greater insight into your future branch potential.

Visualisation of the potential of branch relocation

Visualisation of the potential of branch relocation.

The power of data at your fingertips

There are certainly many more ways to use mobility data, with many varied, practical applications. Every customer is unique and will be interested in something different. If you think that mobility data could benefit your business decisions, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to discuss suitable solutions with you and perhaps offer you the key to discovering new business potential in your area.

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